Kamdar, K., & Mirkovic, D. (Accepted). (In) Between Social Justice and Pedagogical Documentation: Challenges and Possibilities. In, Tesar, M. (ed), The Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education: Early Childhood Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury.
Mirkovic, D. & Kamdar, K. (June 2022). Education and Care: Expanding Traditional Pedagogies With(in) a Pandemic. In Henderson L., Bussey, K., & Ebhrahim, H. (eds) Responding and Speaking Back to a Global Pandemic in Early Childhood Education and Care: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge
Kamdar, K. (2016). Funds of Knowledge: Connecting Culture, Play and Learning in the Early Years. The Quest for Increased Student Achievement and Well-Being: A Journal of Educational Inquiry and Practice, 10.
Kamdar, K. (September, 2017). Weaving a Cross-Cultural Tapestry: The International Influence of Te Whāriki. Education Gazette, NZ. Retrieved from
Kamdar, K. & Mirkovic, D (May 2021) Equity in Education: Taking a Closer Look at Learning Stories. Workshop presented virtually at Learning Stories Conference 2021: Responsiveness in Times of Injustices, Hilltop Children’s Center and Educator Institute, Seattle, WA
Kamdar, K. & Mirkovic, D. (February 2021) Education & Transition: Rethinking Human-Animal Engagements with(in) a Pandemic. Roundtable discussion, Graduate Symposium Department of Education, Concordia University
Kamdar, K (June 2018) Taking a Closer Look at Learning Stories. Workshop presented at the Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development. OISE, University of Toronto
Kamdar, K (May 2018) What Can We Learn From Te Whāriki? A Closer Look at
New Zealand’s Early Childhood Education Curriculum. Seminar presented at the Manitoba Child Care Association Annual Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Kamdar, K. (May, 2017) Impact of Curriculum Approaches on Equity in Early Childhood Settings. Workshop presented at the Summer Institute on Early Childhood Development: Addressing Inequity in Canada through Early Childhood Education. OISE, University of Toronto