Happy September teacher friends! This September is looking a little different here at Teach Grow Love! I have decided to take some time to focus on my research and really buckle down for the home stretch of my Ph.D. studies. It has been extremely difficult working full time and studying on my time off, and I have decided to give myself the gift of slower days to really zone in on quality research and scholarship in early childhood education, and ultimately, finish my doctorate!
This brings me to a special announcement/call for Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECEs) who are currently teaching in Ontario’s Full Day Early Learning Program. If you are a practicing DECE in Ontario, I would love to interview you for my study. Here are some details:
Study: Many Voices, Many Journeys: Examining the Experiences of Newcomer Immigrant Families and Educators in Ontario’s Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten program.
Why DECEs? As a Kindergarten teacher, I know how important (let’s say VITAL!) DECEs are to the our FDELK program. Through my research, I noticed that most of the scholarship related to early childhood education focused on interviewing teachers and not both members of the FDK teaching team. My study hope to change that by including the voice of DECEs in the research. We hear a lot about how essential the role of DECEs are in Kindergarten programs … it’s time to give voice to all members of a kindergarten teaching team!
Commitment: I would like to interview you (practicing DECE) for about 40 minutes via Zoom. I will not be recording the zoom video interview, but I will be recording the audio of our conversation to be able to gather data from at a later date. Your participation is anonymous and you can remove your consent at any time.
Interview format: We will be engaging in a semi-structured interview; this means that we can have a fluid conversation about your experience working with newcomer families and teaching in Kindergarten. I would love to get to know you, the challenges you may face and the amazing teaching and learning happening in your classroom. If you are curious, I can send you interview questions in advance of our interview so you know what to expect. 🙂
Inducement: You will receive a $40 Amazon gift card (let’s be real here, a lot of the time, our gift cards to go classroom purchases – but I hope you treat yourself!) for your interest in participating in my study. This gift card is not dependant on you completing the interview, your interest and an initial conversation is a great starting point!
How to get in touch: Please email me at [email protected] stating your interest and we can take it from there! You can also email me by clicking the button my blog (right hand side) or get in touch with me through Instagram!
Thank you! I hope to hear from you and learn more about your experience in the FDELK program!
Talk soon!